I-205 11th St. Interchange
Project Description:
This project is to construct a new interchange on Interstate 205 just west of the City of Tracy. VVH Consulting Engineers survey group was part of the design team under the Prime Consultant, Rajappan and Meyer Consulting Engineers. VVH surveyors provided all aspects of the design surveys which included full Caltrans A-B-C mapping for the project, specifically: project control surveys, static GPS post-processed data, photogrammetry, aerial mapping and control stations, utility mapping and lane closures for conform surveys. The lane conform surveys were performed as this information was integral for the design of the auxiliary lanes. The project control was derived from three Continuously Operating Control Stations (CORS) utilizing a static control network of 15 new control stations surrounding the project area. The data was post-processed with Trimble TGO software to meet national map accuracy and Caltrans standards. The survey control was blue-booked per Caltrans Surveys Manual procedures.
The services provided by VVH Consulting Engineers included:
- Caltrans A-B-C Topographic Surveys and Mapping
- Photogrammetric Surveys
- Lane Conform Surveys
- Topographic Mapping
- Utility Relocation Plans
I-205 11th Street Interchange
Tracy, CA
City of Tracy/Caltrans Dist. 10
Year Completed:
Project Value:
$50 million
Client Reference:
Zabih Zaca (City of Tracy)
VVHCE Staff:
Ryan Vance, Syd Halterman, Rick DeCamera, Matt Tornquist, Aaron Casados, Chris Vierra