Shin Kee Tract

Project Description:
This 140 acre tract located in Northern San Joaquin County is bounded by White Slough just south of Highway 12 west of Lodi. During the mid-19th century the land was farmed by the “Chinese Potato King”, but is now a prime habitat for the valley’s giant garter snake, water fowl and other flora and fauna. The property was developed as prime conservation land by AG Spanos to offset environmental areas lost to nearby developments in Stockton. VVH surveyors provided all land surveys and bathometric surveys. The project was tied to the San Joaquin County GPS/GIS control network for reference. For its contruction VVH provided the staking for the grading and water management facilities. Once constructed VVH provided conservation easement, plat maps and legal descriptions of the property to place the land under a protective contract for its perpetual use as wildlife habitat area.
The services provided by VVH Consulting Engineers included:
- Boundary/Topographic Surveys
- Bathometric Surveys
- Construction Staking
- Preparation of Plat Maps and Legal Descriptions
Shin Kee Tract
San Joaquin County, CA
AG Spanos
Year Completed:
USDA Contact:
Karen Garret 209-
VVHCE Staff:
Ryan Vance, Syd Halterman, Aaron Casados, Matt Tornquist, Rick DeCamera, Chris Vierra, Michael Hayes
Surveying Procedures and Equipment used:
- GPS Static/Fast Static post processed data
- Trimble and Spectra L1/L2/GLONASS receivers