Valpico Road Improvements
Project Description:
VVH was selected by the City of Tracy as the Prime Consultant to prepare roadway improvements documents for 1.75 miles of Valpico Road. The existing roadway consisted of mostly two lanes with transitions to and from multi-lanes with center medians in some areas. VHH surveyors provided all aspects of the design surveys which included specifically: project control surveys, static GPS post-processed data, topographic mapping, right-of-way surveys, utility mapping and lane closures for conform surveys. The project required right-of-way acquisitions from several parcels. VVH prepared the required plats and legal descriptions to accommodate the future widened roadway. VVH design team prepared construction documents for the entire corridor, the plans included: horizontal control, grading and drainage, utility plans and relocations, signalization, striping and signage and landscape architecture. VVH successfully completed the project on-time and within budget.
The services provided by VVH Consulting Engineers included:
- Topographic Surveys and Mapping
- Civil Engineering
- Roadway Improvement Plans
- Right-of-Way Plans
- Utility relocation
- Signalization Plans
Valpico Road Improvements
Tracy, CA
City of Tracy
Year Completed:
Project Value:
$5 million
Client Reference:
Zabih Zaca (City of Tracy)
VVHCE Staff:
Chris Vierra, Michael Hayes, Casey Barkman, Ryan Vance, Syd Halterman, Rick DeCamera, Matt Tornquist, Aaron Casados